Dr. Fisher

I started practicing over 32 years ago with the dream of having an office like the one I have today…

My wife and I have raised two great boys who we are very proud of. Our oldest graduated college is now working for a large construction firm and living on his own. Our baby just graduated from college and is navigating his future in the healthcare field where hopefully someday he will take over my practice! We are excited about the direction their lives are headed.

Our family life is still directed around sports and fitness even though the boys have retired from football! Between work we squeeze in the gym, walking our dog “Leo”, friends, and vacations without our kids finally! I feel like it was years ago when we were talking about how much free time we’ll have on our hands after the boys are both off to college and we start the “Empty Nest” phase of life…..now it’s actually happening.

We really looked forward to living by our own schedule again be we’re realizing it just provides us more time to worry about where they are, who they’re with, and will they get home safely… never ends does it???

Our next journey began with my invention Fisher Traction®. I created my mobile home traction device to help my family and patients deal with nerve compression and to prevent degenerative changes caused by gravity. This new venture is doing well and now chiropractors across the nation are prescribing Fisher Traction to their patients. We hope that someday it’s around the planet helping people with neck and low back issues.

I still love practicing and seeing third generations of patients being brought in to see me. I’m thankful for my great staff, some have been with me for over 20 years now. We are truly a family practice and staying strong.

On a personal note…

My spouse and I have raised two wonderful boys. Our family life is still centered around sports! The older one recently retired from college football, while the younger one is going to give it a shot next season. Watching both of our sons play football has brought us immense happiness and thrill throughout the years. We have deep love for both of them and are incredibly proud of the path they are taking in life.

We still try and squeeze work, exercise, friends and vacations in all around the boy’s schedules. I don’t remember my parents having to hustle around as much as we have raising our boys. The days of shuffling around little kids is long over for us maybe until grandchildren. I feel like it was years ago my wife and I were talking about how much free time we’ll have on our hands after the boys are both off at college and we start the “Empty Nest” phase of life…..now it’s actually happening. I’m not sure about my wife but I am really looking forward to living by our own schedule again. That will just give us plenty of time to worry about where they are, who they’re with, and will they get home safely… never ends does it???

Carving out some “me” time at the gym or on the road

Even though I’m over 50, I’m not letting up. I really try and practice what I preach to my patients by working out almost every day. If I don’t work out, I’m just plain miserable to be around and I feel like fat just jumps on my body and sticks! Although my diet and exercise programs are not as tight as they used to be I’m not doing too bad for an old man! I still run. I still ride. I still lift weights, just lighter. I still hit the kickboxing gym a couple times per week which is probably my favorite form of exercise. I’ve even started the High Intensity Interval Training classes which are very cool! I know for me that I’m only as alive as I am active. I have zero intentions of slowing down and if I do it will be against my will!

Thanks for visiting our site. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how we may be of service to you. Give the chiropractor in Irvine who cares a call, or email me using the link below and let’s arrange a time to explore your options.